Giving Back
Every year, we dedicate our time and 15-30% of our net profits (or 1-3% of our gross sales) to outside organizations. Public education, equality, personal freedom, and a clean environment are issues we care strongly about. We owe our success to the communities we are a part of, and so we use RAYGUN to give back in a number of ways: percentage of sales from particular products, monthly donations, contributions, price reductions, in-store events, or sponsorships.
Sometimes when we release a shirt to raise money for an organization, we get the "you just do this for taxes!" folks on social media. Our answer: not really. A majority of what we donate (product and our time) we don't get tax benefits on. The monetary donations are tax deductions only for 501C-3's, but we donate to where there is need, not for taxes. So we have donated to non-tax-exempt organizations as well as tax-exempt. What's more, we volunteer our time outside of work to organizations we believe in. Whether it is helping out at schools or serving on non-profit boards, giving back is not our attempt to "pink-wash" the company, it is an attempt to truly strengthen and enrich the communities we're in. If we were just doing this for tax benefits, we'd probably pick some less controversial organizations to support sometimes!
The following list gives you an idea of who we regularly work with.

Since RAYGUN opened in 2005, we have had a strong connection with the public schools. The fall of that first year, we hosted a high school photo show with Des Moines' Central Campus to raise money for their arts program. Whether through products, money, or volunteer time, we lend our support to the schools in and around Des Moines, Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, and Kansas City. In addition to working directly with schools, we also work with supplemental organizations like The Network for Public Education, Iowans for Public Education, and ArtForce Iowa. A strong public education system is not only the heart of strong communities, but a thriving country.
One of the very first organizations we printed shirts for in 2005 was OneIowa, and so we were stoked 4 years later, when Iowa's Supreme court legalized Marriage Equality. Society has come a long way, but there is still plenty of work to be done. OneIowa is working on transgender issues, and Iowa Safe Schools is working to make sure environments kids learn in are free of bullying and bigotry. More generally, we have given to national and local ACLU chapters for over a decade.
For the last several years, we have stood up for women's access to healthcare in the Midwest. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland and Planned Parenthood Great Plains are two phenomenal organizations. To date, using products and events, we have helped raise over $50k for these organizations.
Water: we even published the book on it! In an effort to clean up Iowa's polluted water, we have worked to raise awareness through product's like Jennifer Wilson's book, Water, but also donate to the Iowa Environmental Council and the Environmental Law & Policy Project, which uses its lawyers to fight for environmental causes throughout the Midwest.
There are so many other organizations we support on smaller ways! Part of what makes RAYGUN fun to be a part of is the ability to give something to other organizations helping the communities that we owe so much to! If you have an idea for a partnership or event, please reach out to us: