We May Never Make Progress as a Society...

Our stores are often in old buildings but always in old neighborhoods. Add to this that we always want to have a public bathroom for those who need it. Add to THAT the fact that some members of the public are f'ing unexplainable and you can end up with some pretty gross/expensive situations.

This past week, in Cedar Falls, a plastic bag was flushed down the toilet that eventually collided with other things flushed down the toilet -- paper towels, other bags (!!), and other garbage. 

We know that because the floor had to be cut open, old pipe cut and replaced. Above is a section of the concrete floor, opened, with pipe being cut away. 

Who?! Who is flushing plastic bags down public toilets?!

Having been in charge of public bathrooms for over a decade, we are not as surprised by modern America.

It makes us think we may not truly progress as a society until we respect our public toilets.