Funny Midwestern Town Names & Slogans.
For no reason, we're thinking about funny Midwestern town names and slogans. And attractions, why not?! World's Largest Running Chainsaw: get in there!
Not sure what we'll do, but maybe What Cheer or Mud Butte will get a shirt out of this!
.... In no particular order, some place names and slogans:
Gettysburg, South Dakota: Where the Battle Wasn't.
Gas, Kansas: Don't Pass Gas, Stop and Enjoy It.
Ishpeming, Michigan: Home of the World's Largest Running Chainsaw.
(we wonder: everything?!)
Eaton Rapids, Michigan: The Only Eaton Rapids on Earth.
(so take THAT, Grand Rapids)
May City, Iowa: World's Only May City.
Bushnell, South Dakota: It's Not the End of Earth, But You Can See it From Here.
Young America, Indiana.
Disco, Wisconsin.
Denver, Iowa: The Mile Wide City.
Peculiar, Missouri: Where the "Odds" Are With You.
Gravity, Iowa: If Gravity Goes We All Go.
(Sure, if you believe in science...)
Collinsville, Illinois: The Horseradish Capital of the World.
Manhattan, Kansas: The Little Apple.
Overbrook, Kansas: Don't Overlook Overbook.
Drayton, North Dakota: The Catfish Capital of the North.
Random Lake, Wisconsin.
Big Dummy Lake and Little Dummy Lake, Wisconsin
Gayville, South Dakota: Hay Capital of the World.
(But Wait:)
Meckling, South Dakota: Hay Capital of the Universe.
Readlyn, Iowa: 857 Friendly People and One Old GRUMP.
Forest Junction, Wisconsin: You Can Get There From Here.
Worms, Nebraska.
(Hey, if you got it, flaunt it.)
Magnet, Nebraska.
Boswell, Indiana: The Hub of the Universe.
Wakefield, Kansas: It'll Take You By Surprise!
(Sounds more like a threat than a slogan.)
Anita, Iowa: A Whale of a Town.
Pee Pee Creek, Ohio.
Zap, North Dakota.
Plenty Bears, South Dakota.
Santa Claus, Indiana.
Manly, Iowa and Fertile, Iowa
(led to this classic Iowa headline)
Lerna, Illinois: World's Fastest Pop Machine.
Skiddy, Kansas.
Funk, Nebraska.
Mud Butte, South Dakota.
Dull, Ohio.
Riverside, Iowa: The Future Birthplace of Captain James T Kirk.
Hell, Michigan.
Good Intent, Kansas.
(The road to that town in Michigan (^^^^) is paved with Good Intent.)
Bosstown, Wisconsin.
Tightwad, Missouri.
Nimrod, Minnesota.
Cannon Ball, North Dakota.
Frankenstein, Missouri.
Chicken Bristle, Illinois.
Knockemstiff, Ohio.
(AKA, apparently, Glenn Shade or Shady Glenn.)
Sandwich, Illinois.
What Cheer, Iowa.
Bone Gap, Illinois
(Consult a doctor.)
Cement City, Michigan.
Wee Town, Nebraska.
Goofy Ride, Illiinois
Roaches, Illinois
(Rats, Illinois is Chicago.)
Cool, Iowa
McCool Junction, Nebraska
Beaman, Iowa: You're Not Dreamin', You're in Beaman.
Embarrass, Minnesota.
Confidence, Iowa.
Licking, Missouri.
(Licking what?)
Lick Creek, Illinois
(Oh, that answers that question.)