Iowa City Ideas we Didn't Use
At the very least, downtown Iowa City is hard to summarize. Trees wearing sweaters, unsupervised pianos left outside, but also drunk 9AM bro fights if it's an early home game (or just an Olympic Hockey Game, as happened the other day). There were a lot of ideas that didn't make the cut when we were designing the t-shirt homage to our second city. Here are some that didn't make it:
The Tree Sweater Capitol of the World!
Follow the Brownish-Tan Brick Road!
A Real Swath of Humanity
Where Tree Sweaters and Bro Bars Collide!
From Bums to Boutiques
Boutiques, Beers, and Bums
Boutiques, Bars, Bums, and Bros
Boutiques, Bars, Bums, and Blackout Drunk Bros
Bump into a Bum, a Boutique, or a Blackout Drunk Bro
Football Players on Mopeds
Where a Helmet When You Ride Your Moped you Stupid Bastards!
Who's Homeless and Who's in College? Hard to Tell Sometimes.
Where Hip Meets Homeless
Where Hipsters Meet Homeless-sters
The Porsches are Usually Driven by Asian Kids
Remember That Time Someone Almost Burned down the Capitol? Anyone?
Pedestrian Walking Signals are Optional
Don't Hit the College Kids with your Car (Too Much)
Party Like it's 9AM on an Early Game Day!
.... But we don't sell enough shirts to make all those, still, that "wear a helmet" idea is just good advice (FYI).